Stress Relief For You And Your Back

About Us
The Back in Balance Collective are Cynthia Goldstein and James. Based in Bristol, we provide an Inversion Therapy experience for festival goers, markets and corporate events.
Inversion Therapy is a natural and fun way to ease back pain, loosen your joints and re-invigorate your body and mind.

What is Inversion Therapy?

Inversion therapy is not a new concept; it has been practiced for hundreds of years. Disciplines such as yoga have known the benefits of holding the body in an inverted position through postures such as downward dog and head and shoulder stands.
From the moment we stand up, our weight and the forces of gravity start to compress our vertebrae and joints. Unlike these yoga positions, inversion puts no strain on any part of the body. And you don't need a strong core to do it!
For 10 minutes your body is held in an inverted position, providing multiple health benefits.
Inversion therapy is a natural treat for your whole body to enjoy!

The Health Benefits
Inversion therapy is great for your physical mental and spiritual well-being.Using gravity's natural forces, inversion creates space between your vertebrae, gently lengthening the spine.
Relief for your Neck and Back​
It also reduces pressure on nerve roots and discs, easing aches and pains.
Inversion can strengthen your posture, increase your flexibility, improve your circulation and reduce stress.

Enhances Wellbeing
While inverted, your muscles are able to relax, releasing tension which we all carry in areas such as the shoulders, neck and pelvis. Your 10 minute inversion also allows you to switch off and take a moment to yourself.
Good For Your Brain
Inversion increases the blood flow to the brain providing it with more oxygen and nutrients, enabling the brain to function faster and better.